Bathery Kerala


REPORT by Fr. John Charuvila, Procurator of the Diocese of Bathery and Ex Com member WAF National:-

Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thomas the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Bathery in Kerala, 5 priests, Rev. Sisters, Choir team  and  about 250 lay people have assembled for  the Inaugural ceremony and blessing of WAF unit and the Jubilee Year of Mercy on 8th Dec of 2015, solemnity of the Immaculate Conception; after the 3 days retreat for the people at this Parish. The retreat included daily Holy Rosary, Holy Mass, Adoration and the Hymns praising God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit together with our Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I invited all of them for the function, saying that  the  Parish and the city  get multiple Graces from the above on this great day; the day is great, firstly because  the WAF , aiming at the personal sanctification  of the faithful here through prayer and penance, Rosary, Adoration, reception of the Sacraments espially the Holy Eucharist and the Confession is having a new WAF Unit here in the Parish, and secondly because , we get the Jubilee Year of Mercy inaugurated on the same day when our Holy  Father Pope Francis inaugurated the same in Rome.

The Bishop solemnly inaugurated the WAF unit by lightening the Candle of Fatima and then after opening the Holy Door of Mercy he celebrated the Holy Mass for the faithful. At the sermon he said that it is the will of God that the WAF is devoted to the formation of the people of God towards the New Evangelization through the Message of Fatima and that the Father and Head of  the Syro Malankara Catholic Church and the President of CBCI  Cardinal Baselios Cleemis Catholicos  and himself  could visit the place of Fatima and pray  for the conversion of the faithful to God in the Holy Mass there the last year. So he continued to say on his sermon that it is not by chance but the will of God that this Parish enjoys today.

Fr. John Charuvila, Procurator of the Diocese of Bathery
Ex Com member WAF National
Catholic Bishop's House, Sulthan Bathery 673 592,
Wayanadu, Kerala, INDIA

Dearest Fr John,

It is great to begin the Year of Mercy by recognizing the role of Our Lady of Fatima, her Message and Apostolate in the life of the Church! Congratulations!

In Christ and Mary Queen,

Prof. Americo
International President, WAF
Dear Fr John,

Wishing you all GRACE and MERCY on the FEAST of the Immaculate Conception and also Opening of the Great Jubilee Year of Mercy ESPECIALLY ON THE OCCASION OF INAUGURATION OF THE W.A.F in your Parish and Diocese THE FIRST IN KERALA!
We are very happy with this opening to this new area with outpouring of Grace and Mercy in this Great Jubilee Year of Mercy.
This is a great contribution to the definitive Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

In the Twin hearts,
Dr. Celcio Dias
International Secretary,
National / Goa / National Center Vice Chairaman
Our effort to begin this new term has shown that God has shown his mercy.
This is indeed our first opening Mother Mary will now guide us in the days to come.

In the Heart of Our Blessed Mother!

Anthony Viegas,
Vice Chairman Indian Center / National Council


  1. Dear Fr. John,
    It is a great joy for the Fatima family to know that your Bishop inaugurated the WAF unit in Bathery Diocese. We are all with you in this effort and pray that the God of Mercy bring the merciful love of God through Our Lady of Fatima to the people of your Diocese

    In Christ with Mary

    Fr. Sunny M.V.
    National Council Chairman, WAF India

    1. I am very happy to hear from you that W.A.F unit in my Parish and Diocese stands as THE FIRST IN KERALA!
      And I wonder how I could arrange the 3 days retreat followed by the inauguration of both the WAF unit and Year of Mercy in my parish within a very short period of time. Thank you very much Prof. Americo
      International President, WAF
      & Dr. Celcio Dias
      International Secretary,WAF
      & Fr. Sunny M.V.
      National Council Chairman, WAF India
      for your prayerful support and guidance.

  2. I thank and pray for Bro. Anthony Viegas,
    Vice Chairman Indian Center / National Council
    for his hopeful words.
